How do I have my xamlComboEditor set as IsEditable, update a string field on its SelectedItem when I edit the current displayed text?
IsEditable="True" DisplayMemberPath="Name" ItemsSource="{Binding Project.Runs}" SelectedItem="{Binding Project.SelectedRunConfig}" SelectedIndex="{Binding Project.SelectedRunIndex}" />
The SelectedItem has a field called Name whick is the display member path. I wish to be able to edit the SelectedItem Name by simply editing the ComboEditor text. How can I achieve this?
Here is a simple solution for your issue.
If you have any question do not hesitate to ask.
I'm afraid that doesn't work. Initially it seems like it does but if u play about with it you will see that after changing the text and clicking in the text field below and then back to the combo that the text gets reset back to the original text.