Apparently, none of the keys in the title work in the tree. Is there a way to activate them?
Currently the XamDataTree doesn't offer support for navigating with those keys.
Stoimen Gerenski"] Hi, Currently the XamDataTree doesn't offer support for navigating with those keys.
Is this something that will be implemented ?
This feature is definitely something we want and is on our backlog. However, we will probably not be able to have it in our next Volume Release.
Meanwhile, you could try to implement on your own by hooking up to XamDataTree's keyboard events, check for the specific keys pressed and perform the corresponding operation. In oreder to determine which are the current nodes visible, you could walk the nodes and check the value of their Control property - the nodes that are visible have value different than null. You could also try making the nodes active in order to trigger scrolling of the node into view.
Thanks for the implementation tip. It's also good to know that I can expect to see it implemented inXamDataTree in the future.