We are using Infragistics v10.1 xamDockManager. Inside which we have a documentContentHost, inside which we have a SplitPane, then a TabGroupPane, and then ContentPanes. These ContentPanes can have again a xamDockManager, then documentContentHost, then SplitPane, the TabGroupPane, and then ContentPanes.
What we are trying to find is, if the outer level content pane closes, how can the inner level content pane be notified.
There is no relationship/communication between a contentpane and any dockmanager or any other elements that may happen to be nested somewhere within it so you would have to handle propogating whatever notifications you needed to send to elements within the pane.
Seems unlikely that there is no relationship between the children of xamDockManager, because otherwise, how is it able to save the layout of all its children and then load it back as well.