We are planning to use the xamOrgChart in our Application and during the evaluation we identified the following features that we would like to see in the control.
1) Multi-selection of nodes.
2) Moving the nodes around (drag-drop) functionality.
3) More user-friendly xamZoombar (users confuse them with scroll bars) and flexibility to disabel the zoombar. Zoom functionality through Keyboard would be nice.
4) The chart control auto-fills the layout area by default. Is there a way to align and size it relatively. It would be nice to be able to specify the position and default zoom.
5) Refreshing the binding context object creates a new chart instead of reloading the currently bound chart.
I would really appreciate if you can let me know if you guys are releasing a version anytime soon and if any/some of the features will be available so that we can take a decision.
Thanks for the features suggestions.
The next release (v11.1) is planned for the begging of April.
Some of the features are already implemented – selection, more intuitive zooming. We’ll try implementing and your other proposals.
Can you provide more info about:
I’m not sure I understand this correctly.
Sure....here is the scenario
I am using the MVVM pattern and am binding the xamOrgChart in my View to some hierarchy collection property in ViewModel. So, everytime I refresh the collection and raise the property changed event for refreshing, I get a new chart in my layout overlapping the existing chart still showing in the background.
Let me know if you need more detail.
As we have to make a decision now about using the control, can you let me know what features will be available for sure in the April release as we kindof need all the features.