Can you confirm or give any indication which of the following Office 2010 features will be included in the 2011 release
The first two are the most criticial for us to be able to deliver a true Office 2010 look and feel to our applications.
Thank you
I am just following up on this thread.
Please let me know if you need further assistance.
Matt Developer Support Engineer
I am quite aware of this part of the site however it tends to only highlight the big developments which is why I asked my specific questions.
HI dmurraylaing,
Here is a link to our Product Roadmap:
Sincerely, Matt Developer Support Engineer
Those items will not be part of the 2011.1 release and I cannot say at this point whether they will be part of the 2011.2 release. For the 2nd item you can alter the DefaultStyles provided with the product. The expand/collapse button really only needs to be a toggle button whose IsChecked is two way bound to the IsMinimized property of the xamRibbon.