I'm interested if it's possible in any way to export xamChart output to Excel ,Word ,PDF file?
Hello chenming0321,
I am just checking if you got this worked out or you still require any assistance or clarification on the matter.
If this is what you were looking for please verify the answer so it helps other users as well.
I have found such solution on the internet but unfortunately it is poor one in case of printing. In this solution the size and proportions of the printed control are dependent on the current size of the window. If someone by coincidence will have little window on the printout there will be stretched image with awfully large pixels.
That is why I was referring to UltraChart.RenderPdfFriendlyGraphics where the control is fully rendered according to given proportions. In WPF method you just copy-paste actual rendered state of the control.
Hello Lukas,
You can see the suggestion Graham shared here:
where he exports the chart to a .png image.
You can see the approache Teodor suggested here:
where the export is done on an already rendered XamChart.
In this solution new Chart object is created and sized under new parent of visualtree. In my case such approach would cause a lot of problems since I would have to take already generated control with various bindings move it.
Such approach would violate many of application current used patterns not mentioning tons of possible errors. I have many different charts in with different parameters. Some have static series that are binded to properties, other generates variable number of series from bindings.
Is there any simple solution to render xamchart control to image of any size without manipulating visualtree?