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Is it possible to edit the SummaryDisplayArea?


I'm using Infragistics 2009.2 and I have a XamDataGrid that bind to a DataTable.

I made a summary row for 4 fields in my table but I still have some questions:

1. Is it possible to remove or change the "Grand Summaries" title in the SummaryDisplayArea? (See pic)

2. Is it possible to remove the "Sum=" ? (See pic)

3. Is it possible to chang the hight of the SummaryDisplayArea?

No Data
  • 17559
    Verified Answer

    Hello Roy,


    The text you want to change is displayed within a TextBlock in the SummaryResultPresenter, so in order to change the appearance of the result and the size of the area I can suggest you create a style for the SummaryResultPresenter as follows:

            <Style TargetType="{x:Type igDP:SummaryResultPresenter}">

                <Setter Property="Height" Value="100"/>

                <EventSetter Event="Loaded" Handler="xdg_Loaded"/>


    Further you can get the TextBlock element that actually contains the text and change it manually to the value you want:

            private void xdg_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)


                TextBlock tb=Utilities.GetDescendantFromType((sender as SummaryResultPresenter), typeof(TextBlock), true) as TextBlock;

                tb.Text = (sender as SummaryResultPresenter).SummaryResult.Value.ToString();



    If you need any further assistance on this, please do not hesitate to ask.
