For instance if you wanted to change the blue gradient in that particular theme to yellow. I see the concept of resource washing but seems to only work on default themes. I want to retain the style elements of the igTheme with minor color changes.
Hello ralexander,
I have been looking into your question and I can suggest you follow the following template in order to use our resource washer:
<!-- First, import the base theme we are going to wash to ensure
the correct ControlTemplates are used-->
<!-- Add a ResourceWasher -->
<!-- Note:
1. The WashMode property defaults to "SoftLightBlend" but can be set to "HueSaturationReplacement"
2. If the WashColor of an individual WashGroup is not set or is left to its default value of "Transparent" then the resources are not washed -->
<igThemes:ResourceWasher AutoWash="True" WashColor="LightBlue" WashMode="HueSaturationReplacement">
<!-- Import a Set of Brushes to Wash. Here, we are using RibbonWashBaseDarkBrushes, the brushes used by the
RibbonWashBaseDark theme, imported above. You can use RibbonWashBaseLight or any of the Office 2007 based
themes. The two themes, RibbonWashBaseDark and RibbonWashBaseLight have been specially crafted to work well
for ResourceWashing. -->
<!--#END SNIPPET#-->
For further reference you can have a look at our sample browser under the section XamRibbon->Themes and Custom Styles and also the section ResourceWasher->Display , where we have provided the code for the shown particular designs.
If you need any additional assistance on this, please do not hesitate to ask.
I was just wondering did you have a chance to try my suggestion. If you still need any assistance on the matter, please do not hesitate to ask.