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Strange column width behavior

Here is  a sample project?  What is the best way to keep Tile 2 looking as it does when first loaded?  If i maximize some other tiles, etc, the column in its DP seem to grow wider wildly.  Hitting Collapse then Expand returns it to the original state.  How to keep this "widening" from happening.  I purposely want AutoFit=true.  It seems if I set AutoFitMode to, for example, ExtendLastFiel, the last column is very wide.  What is setting the widths of my columns when this happens and how can i stop it?
  • 138253
    Offline posted



    Thank you for your post. I have been looking into it and the sample you have provided and it seems like that everything works ok on my side, but I use the latest service release of 11.2, so I suggest you download it by logging to our web site and going to My IG \My Keys and Downloads. If you still encounter any issues, could you please send me screenshots of the result you get and the one you want to achieve and more information about your environment( OS,VS etc.), so I can investigate this further for you.


    Looking forward for your reply.

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