I have XamDataGrid and under the cell value presenter I have a ListBox when ever I click on the cell having listbox the SelectedItemsChanged event doesnt get fired. Looks like the ListBox is handling the event and setting the event.Handled to true.
Its there a way I can have SelectedItemsChanged fired?
Hi Matt,
Let me try and explain you what I am trying to achieve here, I am trying to achieve a select functionality like excel has(dragging through cells , rows and columns) , so that those cells can appear in Cells.SelectedItems and I can process the selected cells.
But When my CellValuePresenter has a lisbox and I click on the cell now this cell is not added as a part of SelectedItems(may be because ListBox is firing an Event and the event never bubbles up to CellValuePresnter) and also when I drag my mouse none of the cells are added to CElls.Selected Item.
So What shall I do that ths ListBox Event doesnt fire and the cell value presenter gets selected, I checked there is no PreviewSelectedItemChanged Eventt available.
Please let me know what can be done here.
I am following up on this thread.
Please let me know if you need further assistance.
Sincerely, MattDeveloper Support Engineer