SelectAll does not work property with DisplayMode: IncludeLiterals, IncludePromptChars, and Raw as seen by my attached screenshot.
I have attached a sample project. Just tab through the controls.
There is something wrong with SelectAll method when using a mask like your. You can workaround your issue with using these:
maskedInput.SelectionLength = maskedInput.TextLength
This will select all characters in the maskedInput.
The same incorrect behavior exits in XamCurrencyInput with the standard (empty) mask. The displayed value is $0.00. I'm using version 2012.2. Executing "SelectAll" command results in partial text selection.
Which is the exact version of WPF 12.2, that you are using(it's like: 12.2.1000 for example)?
I tried the SelectAll command but it seems to work as expected.
Hello Serge, Thank you for the provided details.
You are right that this issues exist in 12.2.20122.2236 version. This seems to be fixed in the latest available version for our 12.2 product - 12.2.20122.2269. You could download it from your Infragistics account by clicking on "Keys & Downloads" and after than on the appropriate product key for 2012 vol2. Once you do so, you could click on the "Service Release" tab and get the desired service release from there.
In case of any other questions, please do not hestite to contact us.
It is 12.2.20122.2236. It is strange that it is only a problem with the DateTime Inpit. The Currency Input is working as expected. In addition, I'm using the Office2010Blue.xamDateTimeInput.xaml styles from the Themes folder.