I'd like to use XamCalculationManager to perform calculations between several objects in my view model. The formulas will include several objects, some lists of objects and I'd like the results to be set in other object's properties.
What is your recommended way to use XamCalculationManager for this scenario ?
Hello Alex,
Thank you for your post. I have been looking into it and I suggest you see these links from our online documentation:
where it is shown how to create and use XamCalculationManager and XamFormulaEditor. Please let me know if this helps you or you need further assistance on this matter.
Looking forward for your reply.
Hi Stefan,
Thanks for your answer. I've taken a look at the links, but they don't provide a clear answer. Let me describe my context better:
Suppose I have a class which contains only a Value property:
public class ItemValue
public decimal Value {get;set;}
and a view model class:
public class ViewModel
public ItemValue A {get;set;}
public ItemValue B {get;set;}
public ItemValue Result {get;set;}
private XamCalculationManager calcManager = new XamCalculationManager();
public ViewModel()
// how do I configure calcaManager to compute A.Value + B.Value and store the result automatically in Result.Value.
// ItemValue also implements INotifyPropertyChanged, but I left it out from the example for simplicity.