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heirarchical data

Hi I am able to get the heirarchical data display.

but, i want to customise the child table fields.

normally in Fieldlayoutinitialized event, i get all the list of fields.

but, here, i only get the parent table fields..but, not the child table fields.

how do i get the list of the fields from child table?

No Data
  • 3627

    Can you sit on the InitializeRecord event and watch for the DataRecord?

    DataRecord rec = e.Record as DataRecord;

    You'll get various record types, so cast it to DataRecord and when you get a hit, deal with it. Otherwise, I think you'd need to try to drill down into the child record collections from the FieldLayoutInitialized event and there's a trick with that involving threading because of a bug. I don't know if the hotfix resolved that issue. It's been discussed on this forum because I needed help getting it to work.

    this.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherPriority.Normal, new GroupByHandler(this.FormatGroupByRecord), gbr);
