We are using version 11.2 unfortuanly we hadd to roll back the upgrade to 12.1 due to an unrelated issue.
In the FlatDataSource below I want to use the HierarchLevelDescriptor with LevelName "Coupon" that is currently commented out. I also want to delete the entire Coupon hierarchy that is currently defined. Unfortuanly when I implement the above two items I lose the formating of the Coupon property. The desired format is 5%, 6% etc., the format I get is .05, .06 etc. Also - When I use the Coupon level that is defined in the Collateral hierarchy I also change the Rows property of the FlatDataSource to [Collateral].[Coupon].
Thank you,
igFlatData:FlatDataSource x:Key="TKDQtyFlatData" x:Shared="False" PreserveMembersOrder
Measures="Qty" Cube
<igFlatData:CubeMetadata DataTypeFullName
<igFlatData:DimensionMetadata SourcePropertyName="Qty" DisplayFormat
<igFlatData:DimensionMetadata SourcePropertyName="Coupon" DisplayFormat
<igFlatData:HierarchyDescriptor SourcePropertyName="TKDType" HierarchyName
<igFlatData:HierarchyLevelDescriptor LevelName
<igFlatData:HierarchyLevelDescriptor LevelName="TKDType" LevelExpressionPath="TKDType"
<igFlatData:HierarchyDescriptor SourcePropertyName="Coupon" HierarchyName
="Coupon" >
<igFlatData:HierarchyLevelDescriptor LevelName="Coupon" LevelExpressionPath
="FmtCoupon" />
<igFlatData:HierarchyDescriptor SourcePropertyName="Collateral" HierarchyName
="Collateral" >
<igFlatData:HierarchyLevelDescriptor LevelName="Description" LevelExpressionPath="Collateral"
<!--<igFlatData:HierarchyLevelDescriptor LevelName="Coupon" LevelExpressionPath="FmtCoupon" />-->
<igFlatData:HierarchyDescriptor SourcePropertyName="DeliveryDate" HierarchyName
<igFlatData:HierarchyLevelDescriptor LevelName="DeliveryDate" LevelExpressionPath="DeliveryDate"
<igFlatData:HierarchyDescriptor SourcePropertyName="PM_Name" HierarchyName
<igFlatData:HierarchyLevelDescriptor LevelName="PM_Name" LevelExpressionPath="PM_Name"
<igFlatData:HierarchyDescriptor SourcePropertyName="ISFail" HierarchyName
<igFlatData:HierarchyLevelDescriptor LevelName="ISFail" LevelExpressionPath="ISFail"
<igFlatData:FlatDataConnectionSettings ItemsSource="{Binding Items
<igFlatData:LevelSortDirection LevelUniqueName="Collateral" SortDirection
="Ascending" />
<igFlatData:LevelSortDirection LevelUniqueName="Coupon" SortDirection
Hi Sam,
The display fomat you have applied is about a dimension based on Coupon property. Since you have a Coupon level to appear under dimension based on Collateral property you can apply such display format to dimension metadata item which is about to provide information for Collateral dimension. However, because you may have a multiple levels each with different need about its display format it's better to apply the dispaly format directly to the hierarchy level descriptor.
<igFlatData:HierarchyLevelDescriptor LevelName="Coupon" LevelExpressionPath="Coupon" DisplayFormat="{}{0:#,#.###%;(#,#.###%)}"/>
In this way you can override the display format applied to specific level.
Hi Plamen, sorry but that property is not available in the version we are using.
Its still broke but I've spent far to much time futzing with it. I'll just wait till we can upgrade. Thanks for your help.
I am just checking, if you require any further assistance on the matter.
My suggestion is to try:
<igFlatData:DimensionMetadata SourcePropertyName="Collateral" DisplayFormat="{}{0:#,#.###%;(#,#.###%)}"/>
since the level you're going to format is part of Collateral hierarchy. I expect that this format will take into account just where it's applicable so non-numeric levels will stay unformatted.
Hi Plamen at this time we cannot change builds. Are you referring to this xaml in my original post? It does not work:
Have you upgraded to the latest 11.2 SR? I can see this property is available in build 11.2.20112.2207. If you're limited to use a specific build you can try to apply the display format to Collateral dimension metadata.