I'm having real difficulty with the WPF tile manager. I have previous experience of the winforms tile control which did everything i need.
I'd like to make the 1 maximised panel about 50% of available space and the remaining tiles about 200x200. I am using the splitter but i don't want the user to be able to resize anything other than by using the splitter bar. Scrolling seems to be a real issue where i maximize 1 tile (looks ok) then i scroll and this pushes the splitter to make the maximised panel very small, i don;t want the content of the non-maximised tiles to influence the maximised tile.
I am using code to set the managers properties. Any help you can give would be great.
Hello Simon,
In the MaximizedModeSettings under MaximizedTileConstraints you can set the MinWidth and MaxWidth properties so that the splitter will not set the maximized tile to be resized. Also the TileConstraints can be set for other states that are not maximized such as MinimizedExpandedTileConstraints.
I have attached a sample.
Thank you for your response, the minwidth property does help however i would really like to 'lock' the splitter so i does not move as i scroll the non-maximised tiles with their differing content size, i guess i could work out the size of the window, calc 50% for main maximised tile and set appropriate max width size on non-minimised tiles according to space remaining but it all seems a little contrived and is complicated by the application resizing. Is there no simple way of 'locking' the splitter? (obviously the user can still move the splitter if they wish to).
Many Thanks
There is a ShowTileAreaSplitter property that can be set to not allow resizing for normal tiles. Also another option under NormalModeSettings you can set TileLayoutOrder property to "UseExplicitRowColumnOnTile". Within each of the tiles the column layout of the tiles can be set.
I have attached an updated sample.
Thanks for the example, unfortunately i felt it still didn't do what i wanted. The splitter still moves around depending on content.
I've sort of given up on the idea now and am trying to remove the minimised tiles altogether. i.e. have maximised and normal modes only, i've tried various things to try to achieve this with no success, is this possible?
There is a constraint that can be set for minimized expanded. When setting the MinWidth and MaxWidth properties for this constraint determines the splitter location. In each of the XamTile objects will take precendence over it's width size.
For styling the TileAreaSplitter I have logged an issue on this with development #119657 and case CAS-97989-MC7H4R can be found in the support activity page.