Hello, how can I trigger when an item in the carouselPanel has arrived at its final position on the screen?
I can get the element ID through [executedCommand] and [ firstVisibleItemIndex], but the animation has not yet ended, and I need to know about it to perform further operations.
Hello Valerio,
Unfortunately, there is no way to get inrformation about when the carousel animation ends. Thus writing a trigger based on carousel movement is not supported.
Please request this functionality at the following website:http://devcenter.infragistics.com/Protected/RequestFeature.aspx
If you post the concept of what you wish to develop, there may be another way to get what you want without having to rely on when an element reaches a certain location. Perhaps you could trigger your event when the user clicks on the element and give it a delay so your event doesn't occur right away.
Thank you,
An example: a carousel item (peraphs image 3 of 6 in the carousel) has arrived (I mean the animation has done its job): only at that point I want to show to user some tex box or label or whatever.