Hi All,
I want to import data from .CSV file and shown in xamgrid. Please help me
Telerik give us the functionality of export data from file and shown in grid. Following is telerik code but i want this functionality in infragistics.
private void btnExport_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { SaveFileDialog dialog = new SaveFileDialog(); dialog.DefaultExt = "csv"; dialog.Filter = "CSV files (*.csv)|*.csv|All files (*.*)|*.*"; dialog.FilterIndex = 1; if (dialog.ShowDialog() == true) { using (Stream stream = dialog.OpenFile()) { GridViewExportOptions exportOptions = new GridViewExportOptions(); exportOptions.Format = ExportFormat.Csv; exportOptions.ShowColumnHeaders = true; radGridView1.Export(stream, exportOptions); } } }
Hello Sufyan,
After some research Import/Export from/to .CSV file has been determine as a new Product Idea. I have sent your Product Idea directly to our product management team. Our product team chooses new Product Ideas for development based on popular feedback from our customer base. Infragistics continues to monitor application development for all of our products, so as trends appear in requested ideas, we can plan accordingly.
We value your input, and our philosophy is to enhance our toolset based on customer feedback. If your idea is chosen for development, you will be notified at that time. Your reference number for this Product Idea is PI12110059
If you would like to follow up on your Product Idea at a later point, you may contact Developer Support management via email. Please include the reference number of your Product Idea in the subject and body of your email message. You can reach Developer Support management through the following email address: dsmanager@infragistics.com
After some research the ability to export grouped XamGrid has been determine as a new Product Idea. I have sent your Product Idea directly to our product management team. Our product team chooses new Product Ideas for development based on popular feedback from our customer base. Infragistics continues to monitor application development for all of our products, so as trends appear in requested ideas, we can plan accordingly.
We value your input, and our philosophy is to enhance our toolset based on customer feedback. If your idea is chosen for development, you will be notified at that time. Your reference number for this Product Idea is PI12110074
Hi Stefan,
Any update regarding my issue or alternate way of export data from grouped xamgrid to csv file. In previous post i group by a column in xaml, I am waiting your reply. Kindly prepare a sample project.
Thanks in advance
Thanks Stefan,
I am using xamgrid and export to .csv file this is working fine, but when i apply group than, they give me an error and does not export it. My original project have some grouped columns
This is my Project xaml i set the IsGroupBy="True" on Category column. how to export it in .csv file.
<ig:XamGrid Grid.Row="1" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" Margin="5" Name="radGridView1" VerticalAlignment="Stretch" AutoGenerateColumns="False" IsAlternateRowsEnabled="True" ItemsSource="{Binding InterpolatedIndicators}" > <ig:XamGrid.GroupBySettings> <ig:GroupBySettings DisplayCountOnGroupedRow="False" IsGroupByAreaExpanded="True" AllowGroupByArea="Top"/> </ig:XamGrid.GroupBySettings> <ig:XamGrid.SelectionSettings> <ig:SelectionSettings CellClickAction="SelectRow" ColumnSelection="Single"></ig:SelectionSettings> </ig:XamGrid.SelectionSettings> <ig:XamGrid.Columns> <ig:TextColumn HeaderText="Code" Key="Code" Width="100" IsReadOnly="True"></ig:TextColumn> <ig:TextColumn HeaderText="Name" Key="DisplayName" Width="180" IsReadOnly="True"></ig:TextColumn> <ig:TextColumn HeaderText="Formula" Key="FormulaVariable" IsReadOnly="True"></ig:TextColumn> <ig:TextColumn HeaderText="Header Row 1" Key="HeaderRow1" IsReadOnly="True"></ig:TextColumn> <ig:TextColumn HeaderText="Header Row 2" Key="HeaderRow2" IsReadOnly="True"></ig:TextColumn> <ig:TextColumn HeaderText="Provider" Key="BaseIndicatorSource" IsReadOnly="True"></ig:TextColumn> <ig:TextColumn HeaderText="Category" Key="Category" IsGroupBy="True" Width="120" IsReadOnly="True"></ig:TextColumn> <ig:TextColumn HeaderText="Base Indicator" Key="BaseIndicator" Width="150" IsReadOnly="True"></ig:TextColumn> <ig:TextColumn HeaderText="Interpolation Method" Key="InterpolationMethod" IsReadOnly="True"></ig:TextColumn> <ig:TextColumn HeaderText="Forecast Method" Key="ForecastMethod" IsReadOnly="True"></ig:TextColumn> <ig:TextColumn HeaderText="Include As Of" Key="InterpolationBaseDate" IsReadOnly="True"></ig:TextColumn> <ig:TextColumn HeaderText="Start Date" Key="StartDate" IsReadOnly="True" FormatString="{}{0:M/d/yyyy}" ></ig:TextColumn> <ig:TextColumn HeaderText="Source Update" Key="SourceUpdate" IsReadOnly="True" FormatString="{}{0:M/d/yyyy}" ></ig:TextColumn> <ig:TextColumn HeaderText="End Date" Key="EndDate" IsReadOnly="True" FormatString="{}{0:M/d/yyyy}" ></ig:TextColumn> <ig:TextColumn HeaderText="Last Actual Value" Key="BaseIndicatorMaxAvailableDateValue" IsReadOnly="True" FormatString="{}{0:###,#.0000}"></ig:TextColumn> <ig:TextColumn HeaderText="Average" Key="Average" IsReadOnly="True" FormatString="{}{0:###,#.0000}"></ig:TextColumn> <ig:TextColumn HeaderText="Std. Deviation" Key="StandardDeviation" FormatString="{}{0:###,#.0000}" IsReadOnly="True"></ig:TextColumn> <ig:CheckBoxColumn HeaderText="Visible" Key="IsVisible" IsReadOnly="True"></ig:CheckBoxColumn> <ig:CheckBoxColumn HeaderText="Active" Key="Discontinued" IsReadOnly="True"></ig:CheckBoxColumn> </ig:XamGrid.Columns> </ig:XamGrid>
Sample is attached.