Hi there,
I was wondering whether I could implement a menu item such as Copy,Paste and Cut when I click the right click of the mouse. I already implement the gesture of ctrl + c (copy) and ctrl + v (paste). Now i would like to right click mouse button to have the Menu item to appear in the xamDataGrid.
Found my requirements. Using context menu. Great forum.
@Snuffykl: With respect to the code below, the shortcut keys work (e.g. CTRL+C), but the Copymenu is always disabled. I would have thought that XamGrid supported ApplicationCommands.Copy. Did you manage to get it to the Copy command to work in your code?
<ig:XamGrid x:Name="SampleGrid">
<ig:ClipboardSettings AllowCopy="True" CopyType="SelectedRows" CopyOptions="IncludeHeaders" AllowPaste="False" />
<ig:XamGrid.ContextMenu> <ContextMenu> <MenuItem Command="ApplicationCommands.Copy" /> <!-- this menu item is always disabled -->
</ig:XamGrid.ContextMenu> </ig:XamGrid> </UserControl>
Thank you for your post. I have been looking into it and I can say that the command you use (ApplicationCommands.Copy) is the build-in MS command for copying text. The one that is used when you set the XamGrid ClipboardSetting is another one, which is not public, but there is a method in the XamGrid's class called CopyToClipBoard, which you can use in your own command. You only need to pass the XamGrid as parameter to the Execute method of the command and call CopyToClipBoard method.
Hope this helps you.
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Hi Stefan.
Thank you for your response.
After researching various options, I implemented the solution you proposed.