I've got what looks like a simple requirement, I need to be able to set the colors of the columns in a column series based on the column value. Was going to use a xamdatachart but if there is another more suitable control I could use that. I'm only going to have 8 columns and three colours I need to chose from based on the values, so should be very simple. However looking around I've seen some pretty 'detailed' examples of how to do this seemingly simple task. Is this still the case or is there a simpler method of doing this.
I think I'll pass on that one. One thing I've found with using the Infagistics controls over the years is that in many cases you make the seemingly impossibile trivial but on many occasions make the trivial seem impossible.
Hello James,
It seems that this is still the case using code-behind example in Colouring Columns/Bars in the chart based on value. A product idea with PI12090046 has been submitted to add a property in the BarSeries and ColumnSeries to style each of the items.
Let me know if I can provide any further assistance.