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XamNumericEditor with double, minimum and maximum


I'm not able to find the solution of this. I would like to have a XamNumericEditor where the data type is double and the minimum/maximum can be set.

I use NetAdvantage WPF 2012.2. The documentation say there are Minimum and Maximum properties ( But with "2012.2" there aren't such kind of properties.

So I tried to set it with "Mask" ( in this way:

                        <igWPF:XamNumericEditor x:Name="MyEditor" Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="2" Width="80"

But this doesn't work.

The requirements are as follow:

- The data type should be double and min/max are set to the XamNumericEditor.

- If the user sets a higher value than the maximum, XamNumericEditor should clip the value to the maximum.

- If the user sets a lower value than the minimum, XamNumericEditor should clip the value to the minimum.

- The validation process should start after the user clicks the enter key.

Please have a look at the attached project, where I tried to implement these requirements into the "X Axis Display Maximum and Minimum". You can try it be setting the Maximum x Display value to 9999. The value should be clipped to 850.

Who can help me in this case?


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