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How to create FieldLayout and Fields in Code behind(C#)


I want to create XamDataGrid,FieldLayout and Fields in code behind instead of Xaml.

In my Xaml file should be like this:


<Grid Name="grid">



Code behind :

public void Load()
x1 = new XamDataGrid();

FieldLayout fl = new FieldLayout();

//FieldLayout F1 = new FieldLayout();

//Field fieldA = new Field();
//Field fieldB = new Field();

//fieldA.Label = "FieldA";
//fieldB.Label = "FieldB";

Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.Field field = new Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.Field();

//RowDefinition row = new RowDefinition();

field.Name = "CSP";
field.Label = "Chandra";



// x1.FieldLayoutInitialized += new EventHandler<Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.Events.FieldLayoutInitializedEventArgs>(x1_FieldLayoutInitialized);


I am calling load method from Constructor..

In my case, xamDatagrid with Column "Chandra" should come..but it is not coming..

Please let me know, where i did mistake..

Please help me..

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