I found this thread but this is more than a year old and I'm using the latest version Has anything changed to fix the issue? Is there another attribute I should be using to get the desire effect? Or do I have to use reflection, test for Browsable attribute and set AllowHiding on related field? Seems like a lot of work and I got tons of grids in my app that will have to run that code. Would just be easier if there was a setting to hide both from grid and field window. That way I can use style to set the property on all grids once. Or default it that way.
I could not reproduce your issue.
I am attaching a sample application using build 12.2.2022.
MattDeveloper Support Engineer
I changed your app. I set AutoGenerateFields to True and HeaderPrefixAreaDisplayMode="FieldChooserButton". City in Person class has attrb Browsable to False so when I first launch app City is not in grid (as it shouldn't) but open field chooser city is there to be shown.