I'm currently using NetAdvantage for WPF and I've been trying to get the Geographic Map feature to work. It was all good at the start but things went spiraling my mind when I got into testing several features by myself.
Map Crosshair for example,
The base references were included as what can be seen on the right, but I have no idea what specific reference is needed to Import "IGGeographicMap.Extensions", "IGGeographicMap.Models" & "Infragistics.Samples.Shared.Models". I've tried to look over the site and have no luck in finding what specifically is needed to be referenced. Things could've been better analyzed by myself if the project source/solution for each examples featuring various product features are packaged with the product itself. But it isn't and it seems like the content displayed online is incomplete.
I don't want to rationalize like that for I may be wrong, maybe I haven't just seen it. If anyone in case may help me regarding this well I definitely will be very grateful.
Hi Josh,
From what I'm seeing in your screenshots I guess that you are trying to get the code "as-is" from the sample browser.
That's not recommended as there is some logic in it that is added to support the sample browser itself and it's possible to not fit with your application logic.
There are good topics how to start with the control here: http://help.infragistics.com/NetAdvantage/wpf/2013.1/CLR4.0/?page=xamGeographicMap.html
Hi gtachev, thanks for replying. Can I ask for the project files for all the feature demos? I'd just find myself more productive in learning these stuffs with a working project files on my hands.