I aam controlling the zoom using a dropdown. i would like to know how to disable changing the size of the zoombar thumb slider bar but still allow the user to move the bar left to right using the scroll buttons.
Also i need to tie the left and right arrows to the scroll buttons, meaning if i press the left arrow key it works the same as clicking the left scroll button on the xamzoombar
One more question, is it possible to click on a chart and know where the click occured? I want to zoom based on a list of durations i have. I want to click and zoom to the next shortest duration in my list, however i would like to do this and center to where the click occured.
I am zoomed into an hour time frame between 1 and 2 oclock. i click on the xamdatachart, my next shorter duration is 30 minutes. If i would click directly on 1:30 i would want my 30 minute duration to show from 1:15 to 1:45.
I will give this a try. However i am still having problems with issue two. I need the left and right arrows to funtion like the horizontal scale arrows on the xamzoombar. I have modified your project to show my issue. run the project, drag and shrink the xamzoombar. Now click the horizontal scale left or right arrows on the bar, the bar moves and so does the chart data because it is bound. Now press the left or right arrow key, the slider moves but the graph data is like it isnt bound anymore. also the slider resizes. I need the left and right arrow keys to function exactely as the horizontal slider arrows do.
You may try to change the Range of the XamZoomBar instead of setting the Minimun and Maximum properties separately. This will notify the chart and the WindowRectChanged event will fire. Please see the modified sample project attached. If you have any other questions, feel free to let me know.
Everything is working great so far. I have one more feature i would like to implement and i will have it working the way i would like it to. I need to make the xamzoombar show the entire collection of dates in my dataset. i am currently allowing the user to zoom in to the data using the xamzoombar however, they can select durations 30 min, 1 hour, 2 hour ect. the xamdatachart zooms and only shows this much data. However the xamzoombar is still a representation of the whole data set. i would like to show the full range of times on the xamzoombar. i saw the xamtimeline, this may work i am just having trouble figuring out how to implement it. i would like to have the xamtimeline/xamzoombar show the entire date range, but work as the xamzoombar currently works. i would basically like it to funciton just as it does now except show the dates of the entire dataset in the xamzoombar. Could you modify the project in this post to make the xamzoombar have the entire date range on it and still function as it does now?
Thank you very much for your help, everything to this point has worked great.
I have modified the project so that a preview of the chart is displayed in the zoombar. This is achieved by creating new chart that is bound to the same data elements as the XamDataChart XamZoomBar is bound to. By default the whole date time range is shown. Would you please have a look at the attachment and let me know if this is what you are looking for or I have missed something in your scenario? Thank you.
Hello Pete,
I have been looking into your scenario and it currently this functionality is not available with XamZoombar. SmallChange and LargeChange properties could be set in order to control the steps the thumb is moved. Please note that the thumb has defined width and it is not possible to place it at a random position where the user had clicked. When user clicks on the bar the thumb is moved using the LargeChange step. If the thumb should be places precisely, the user could drag and drop the thumb at particular position.
how can i get the location of a click on the zoombar and move my zoom to that position, keeping it in sync with the datacharts. I need to be able to click on a spot on the preview data chart in my zoombar and have the slider move there and also have the datachart above show the correct information
I have been looking into your question and I have already answered it in the thread you have created :
In future please restrain from creating duplicate threads as this can only increase the response time.
If you need any further assistance please submit your questions to the above mentioned thread.
This has all worked wonderfully, however i now have another related issue. I am capturing the mouse down event so that the user can not resize the thumb slider by clicking on the horizontal scale part of the thumb slider. I need to have the user be able to grab and slide the thumb when it is zoomed into a level where the user can not grab the slider. See attached document*
Thank you for your feedback Pete. I am glad that everything is working as you need now. I believe that this might be helpful for other users, too.