I aam controlling the zoom using a dropdown. i would like to know how to disable changing the size of the zoombar thumb slider bar but still allow the user to move the bar left to right using the scroll buttons.
Also i need to tie the left and right arrows to the scroll buttons, meaning if i press the left arrow key it works the same as clicking the left scroll button on the xamzoombar
One more question, is it possible to click on a chart and know where the click occured? I want to zoom based on a list of durations i have. I want to click and zoom to the next shortest duration in my list, however i would like to do this and center to where the click occured.
I am zoomed into an hour time frame between 1 and 2 oclock. i click on the xamdatachart, my next shorter duration is 30 minutes. If i would click directly on 1:30 i would want my 30 minute duration to show from 1:15 to 1:45.
I have modified the project so that a preview of the chart is displayed in the zoombar. This is achieved by creating new chart that is bound to the same data elements as the XamDataChart XamZoomBar is bound to. By default the whole date time range is shown. Would you please have a look at the attachment and let me know if this is what you are looking for or I have missed something in your scenario? Thank you.
This is nearly perfect. I have one further question though. How could i shrink the preview xamdatachart and just show the time axis. everythign is functioning perfectly except all i want to show are the date timestamps in the xamzoom.
Thanks again
basically i just want to shrink the xamdatachart to about half its size and not show the y axis or its values
The YAxis of the LineSeries in the preview data chart could not be set and the numeric axis will not be displayed. Please note that this will only remove the y values but will not change the height of the area where series are displayed. You could set the Location of the LabelSettings to OutsideTop and then set the Height of the chart to smaller value. In the attached sample it is 25. This will show the labels and a thin line of the WindowRect area.
Please feel free to let me know if you have any other questions regarding this.
This has all worked wonderfully, however i now have another related issue. I am capturing the mouse down event so that the user can not resize the thumb slider by clicking on the horizontal scale part of the thumb slider. I need to have the user be able to grab and slide the thumb when it is zoomed into a level where the user can not grab the slider. See attached document*
I have been looking into your question and I have already answered it in the thread you have created :
In future please restrain from creating duplicate threads as this can only increase the response time.
If you need any further assistance please submit your questions to the above mentioned thread.