The default behaviour is that all text in a xamtexteditor is selected when moving into a cell, how can I turn that off?
I tried hooking an event on XamTextEditor.GotFocus, but in the event handler nothing is selected (SelectedText == "")
Hi John,
I don't see a way to do this. I've asked engineering for some insights into this one.
I wonder if you made the efforts to implement using regular TextBoxes rather than the default XamTextEditor if that would work. WPF TextBoxes do not automatically select all text content when they receive keyboard focus.
Thanks Curtis, I'll put it on my 'todo' list to try out the vanilla textbox.
Actually my problem was not so much with selection, but with the cursor being positioned at the end of the text (in multi-line senerios, hiding the start of the text).
Any ways to position the cursor at the start of the text - irrespective of selection?