I have created a custom summary calculator class which is RATIO of two other fields (I think, this class is correct).
I am using:
SummaryDefCustomRatioA summaryDefCustomRatioA = new SummaryDefCustomRatioA();
SummaryDefinition summaryDef3 = grd.FieldLayouts[0].SummaryDefinitions.Add("ratio", summaryDefCustomRatioA, "ratio");
summaryDef3.StringFormat = ": {0:P2}";
Since this is a custom summary, there is no SourceFieldName. However, this is not showing up - please check and help. No errors. The others where I am using SummmaryCalculator.Sum and valid SourceFieldName are working fine.
Actually, the above post is incorrect. It seems that the calculating methods of the custom summary calculator class are not being called.
I have a check-box above my grid and when the user clicks it, I apply the SummarDef. It groups the grid rows and gives subtotals in between. So, how do I apply my custom summary calculator this way. Do I need to explicitly call the calculating methods of the custom class? How?
I am just checking the progress of this issue and was wondering if you managed to achieve your goal or if you need any further assistance on the matter.
Hello Rajib,
Here is working link:
http://ko.infragistics.com.es/community/forums/p/79318/400634.aspx link is not working