We are attempting to prototype using the xamDataCarousel as a menu device. I've produced a simple prototype but I am having trouble determining if it can be styled as follows:
(1) Say there are four items and the ItemsPerPage=3 and IsListContinuous=false. Initially items 1 to 3 are displayed, when the user navigates right items 2 to 4 are displayed. We want further navigation to the right to have no effect. That is, we always want three items displayed, once user is at end (or beginning) of data no more scrolling should occur. I can't figure out if this is possible.
(2) How can the navigation control be styled. Could we have the "left" navigation buttons appear at the beginning of the displayed items and the "right" navigation buttons at the end of the displayed items? Sort of like, << < Item1 Item2 Item3 > >>
(3) If (2) isn't possible, how can the navigator be positioned centered below the displayed items?
(4) The data source is hierarchical. But only some of the items have child records. How can the child selector be disabled on the parent item so that it doesn't navigate to the breadcrumb child page? Even more desirable for us, can a click on the selector be trapped and instead we pop up a list of the items children records?
I've attached prototype if you want to see a rough idea of what we are attempting.
Thank you for any help,
Hi Pat,
1.) There's no built-in way to do this but it is possible. You will need to grab the CarouselViewPanel and handle it's ExecutingCommand event. This event will fire every time the user clicks on one of the buttons in the navigator. You can then check which command was fired and cancel the command when needed. I've modified your original sample to demonstrate how this would work.
2.) This would require retemplating the navigator control. In the attached sample I've created a ResourceDictionary for the navigator control that places the buttons as you require.
3.) See 2
4.) In order to hide the expansion indicators when there are no children, please see: http://ko.infragistics.com/community/forums/t/44847.aspx
XamDataGrid and XamDataCarousel both derive from the same base class so this code will work with the carousel. Just replace XamDataGrid with XamDataCarousel. As for capturing when a user clicks on the expansion indicator for records that do have children, you can use the RecordExpanding event.
Let me know if you have any questions on this.
Thank you for the answer. You've answered most of my questions. I worked further on the rough prototype but can find how to do a few more things by reading the forum and Samples Browser. Maybe you can answer these as well.
(1) If I want the first item to display as already selected when the app loads, how do I do this. I guess in general how do you select and item in the carousel in code? I played around with the DataCarousel's SelectedItems and I know I can get the carousel panel and get the FirstVisibleItemIndex, but that is an int and I can figure out how to translate that to the ActiveCell.
(2) How do I limit the selected items to one and only one. That is, how do I configure the carousel so that only one cell can be selected at a time.
After much reading and playing around I found the following solutions, can you verify my solution to (1) is the only way to do this? It would seem there must be a better way via property or method?
(1) This done in load event as ("Title" is the displayed field):
// Make the first element selected in the panel at startup DataRecordCollection rc = _dataCarousel.Records as DataRecordCollection;
// Just use first element in the collection as that is the first one in // initial display and don't need to check null as data must be there if not // it is bug in loading of the data. DataRecord dataRecord = rc[0]; dataRecord.Cells["Title"].IsActive = true;
(2) This done in the xaml for the data carousel
<igDP:XamDataCarousel.FieldLayoutSettings> <igDP:FieldLayoutSettings ExpansionIndicatorDisplayMode="CheckOnDisplay" SelectionTypeCell="Single"/> </igDP:XamDataCarousel.FieldLayoutSettings>
That is the correct way to make that cell the active one. You can also set the _dataCarousel.ActiveCell property to that cell and it will do the same thing.
No thank you for the reply Valerie.
Hello Pat,
Do you have any other questions on this matter?
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