I am using a XamDataGrid for displaying the information of a dataSet. I have two tables and a relation within the DataSet
I am just using this line of code in my UserControl:
<igDP:XamDataGrid Name="xamDataGrid1" DataSource="{Binding Path=ADataSet.Tables[0].DefaultView}">
The information of both tables is shown correctly in a hierarchically way. As I am not setting the AutoGenerateFields to false, all the columns are displayed and the name of the column displayed is the name of the column in the dataSet.
As I want to use a more "friendly" name for the columns I am changing the labels in the code-behind dynamically.
So I changed the fieldLayout of the parent table (FieldLayouts[0]) and then I change the fieldLayout of the child table (FieldLayouts[1]) in the code-behind.
The labels of the parent table are changed correctly, I mean, I can see in the table displayed the "friendly" name for the columns of the parent table. But the labels of the child table are unchanged.
When I debug the code I see that the labels of the FieldLayout of the child table is changed correctly in the code behind(FieldLayouts[1]), but dispate of this, I am not able to see the friendly name when the table is displayed. So for the childs I am still seeing the "unfriendly" name.
This behaviour is really strange because I can see when I debug the code, that I m actually changing the labels of both tables, but for some reason, the childs table displayed is not changing.
I am attaching a sample that binds the XamDataGrid to the NorthWind Order and OrderDetails tables.
I was able to change the child labels.
Here is my code snippet: private void xamDataGrid1_FieldLayoutInitialized(object sender, Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.Events.FieldLayoutInitializedEventArgs e)
if (e.FieldLayout.Key == "Order Details")
foreach (Field f in e.FieldLayout.Fields)
f.Label = f.Name.Replace("ID", "Idenity");
} } }
I am attaching the sample as well.
Thank you Matt
Please let me know if you need further assistance regarding this issue.