How to bind the itemsource of xamcomboeditor in Unbound field of Xamdatagrid to a textbox whose value change triggers the refresh of itemsource of xamcomboeditor and takes content of textbox as parameter.
Thank you for your post. I have been looking into it and it seems that I am missing something from your scenario. Would you please further explain the functionality you want to achieve. This way I would be able to further research the issue and provide you with further support.
Thank you for the provided information. Looking forward to hearing from you.
I have an unbound field of xamcomboeditor type in my xamdatagrid. I want to bind the itemsource of that xamcomboeditor to ANY user based input. For example user inputs via a textbox and hits a submit button then based on the input, the comboboxitems change. How cam I achieve this?