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Drag drop in a hosted application


I'm having a problem using drag 'n drop in a hosted application. I have attached a code sample to illustrate my problem. The solution contains 2 projects: The DragDropApplication and the HostingApplication. If you first start the DragDropApplication, you will see 2 drag drop tests; one that uses classic WPF mechanism, and one that uses Infragistics. Both work correctly; this is the desired situation. Now start the HostingApplication. The HostingApplication is an application that starts another process (in this case, the DragDropApplication) and then places the main window of that process into a WindowsFormsHost control. You can recognize the hosted application by the green border. Now, if you try the tests again, you will notice that the classic WPF drag drop mechanism still works, but for an unknown reason, the Infragistics drag drop mechanism does not work anymore. How can I make IG drag drop work correctly in this situation?

Regards, Stefan
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    Hello Stefan,


    I have logged this with development under ID: 158424 and I have also created a support ticket on your behalf: CAS-127471-Y9R8R7 and have linked the development issue to it, so that you can get automatically updated, when a Service Release containing the fix is available for download. You can get the new version from our website’s “My IG”, “My Keys & Downloads” tags:


    You can also monitor the support ticket’s progress through the “My Support Activity” tag:
