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XamSlider WPF, 13.1, Visual Studio 2013 error

The following code no longer works in Visual Studio 2013. It builds, but I get XAML error "The property 'tickMarks' does not have an accessible setter' and cannot view the designer. Same for XamSliderNumericThumb.

<ig:XamNumericRangeSlider x:Name="xamNumericSliderPlaySpeed" Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="0" Grid.ColumnSpan="3" Margin="10,5,0,0" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" VerticalAlignment="Top" MinValue="-2" MaxValue="2" SmallChange="1" LargeChange="1" TrackClickAction="MoveToPoint" IsMouseWheelEnabled="True">  <ig:XamNumericRangeSlider.TickMarks>   <ig:SliderTickMarks NumberOfTickMarks="3" UseFrequency="False" IncludeSliderEnds="True"/>  </ig:XamNumericRangeSlider.TickMarks>  <ig:XamSliderNumericThumb Value="0" IsSnapToTickEnabled="True">   <ig:XamSliderNumericThumb.TrackFillBrush>    <LinearGradientBrush EndPoint="0.5,1" StartPoint="0.5,0">     <GradientStop Color="#FFFEF10F" Offset="0"/>     <GradientStop Color="#FFE55415" Offset="1"/>    </LinearGradientBrush>   </ig:XamSliderNumericThumb.TrackFillBrush>  </ig:XamSliderNumericThumb> </ig:XamNumericRangeSlider>


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    Hi Michael,

    I looked into the issue and was able to reproduce it in VS2013.  As such I have logged a development issue for this with an ID of 158614.  The next step will be for a developer to investigate the issue.

    Because I have logged a development issue, I have created a private case for you with which I can attach the development issue to.  This way you can track it's progress.  This will also notify you when the issue has been resolved.  Your case # is CAS-127441-J8G9W3.  You can view it here:
