I have define a style used in every instance of xamDataGrid in the application:
<Style x:Key="XamDataGridDefault" TargetType="igWpf:XamDataGrid"> <Setter Property="Theme" Value="Office2010Blue" /> </Style>
I have also added a reference to this theme in App.xaml like this:
<ResourceDictionary Source="/Themes/Office2010Blue/Office2010Blue.xamDataPresenter.xaml"/>
Problem is that on a standard computer the grid headings disappears after a while using this theme, and may appear again later. This never happen when I use the Aero theme. The application is installed on standard computers in our company using Click Once deployment.
I never see this on my development computer, may be because it has 8 kernals, Infragistics ultimate or a different graphics card/driver.
I suspect there might be an error in the Office2010Blue theme.
Thank you for the additional details, we were able to reproduce this issue at design time using the following markup:
<Window x:Class="Wpf13_2.Window2"
xmlns=" http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation "
xmlns:x=" http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml "
Title="Window2" Height="300" Width="300">
<igWpf:TabItemEx Header="ABC">
<igWpf:XamDataGrid Theme="Office2010Blue" BindToSampleData="True">
<igWpf:GridViewSettings UseNestedPanels="True" />
<igWpf:TabItemEx Header="123" />
We have logged this as development issue 160205 and internally a fix has been made.
I have now Snooped my application to see what is different when heading is there and not. Some more screen shots are included in my word document from my snoop session. I experienced that the heading is located in the adorner layer. The adorner layer is without content when the header is missing.
I have also in the attachment included xaml file for the actual user control and a xaml file with some common styles.
It's hard to say exactly what is happening based on the screenshot but it's strange that the entire area is disappearing in both the root and child records. One thing you could try is setting the FieldSettings->AllowLabelVirtualization to false but it looks like the entire header and not just the LabelPresenters are not showing so I doubt this will resolve the issue. I suspect you'll need to run Snoop and inspect the various header elements. E.g. check the IsVisible state of the LabelPresenters (assuming they're there), the HeaderPresenter, the HeaderLabelArea, the PART_HeaderContentSite of the derived RecordPresenter that would be hosting the header, etc. It would also help to know if you have custom styles/templates for other grid elements and what they look like. From the screenshot it would seem that you have UseNestedPanels on and must have at least some custom record templates (e.g. for the ExpandableFieldRecordPresenter).
I have investigated this issue some more. Now I have also been able to force this behavior on my development computer. Only Aero and Generic theme seems to work without deficiencies. Other themes tested (IGTheme, Metro, Office2K7Silver) seems to share the same issue as Office2010Blue.
I have not had time yet to snoop my application. It will also take some time to prepare a stand alone sample. Guess I will have to include content pane and tab switching.
But may be you can give me a hint about how I can overcome this issue by changing my implementation.
Sceen shots are added as an attechment. Here you can also se some of my implementation
In addition to the details that I asked before, please also provide a screen shot. What are you using for the headers, are they elements or just text?
Also if you snoop the elements is the foreground the same as the background which would make it unreadable? If you find that the foreground and background are the same, traversing up the tree to see where the Foreground is inherited from and looking at triggers may help as well.
Let me know if you have any questions with this matter.