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I am wanting to know if its possible to retrieve the actual height of the timeslotpresenter, I can do it in code behind using the infragistics utilities but am trying to do it in xaml using a multibinding, however I can't seem to figure out what to reference as ancestor. This is what I tried to do.

 <MultiBinding Converter="{x:Static valueConverters:SizeConverter.Instance}">

 <Binding Path="DateFrom" />

 <Binding Path="DateTo" />

<Binding Path="TimeslotInterval" ElementName="DayView" />

 <Binding Path="ActualHeight" RelativeSource="{RelativeSource Mode=FindAncestor, AncestorType={x:Type ig:XamDayView:TimeslotPresenter}}"/>



Any help would be appreciated.


kind regards,


  • 34510
    Offline posted

    Hi Anne,

    From within what control are you using this MultiBinding?  Is it inside a TimeslotPresenter or some other control.  If it's inside a Style setter for the Template of a TimeslotPresenter then you can just use {RelativeSource TemplatedParent} as the binding.

    I need to know more about how you are using this MultiBinding and where it is located.

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