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Mismatching theme styles?

Hi, I'm currently styling my application, and I noticed something puculiar within the themes. You can see what I mean by looking at the samples within the Infragistics WPF Feature Browser.

If you look at the sample in: xamComboEditor > Styling > Theming and select the Office 2010 Blue, you will notice a blue scrollbar when you open the combobox.

But, when you look at the sample in: xamSchedule > Styling > Schedule View and select the Office 2010 Blue, you will see a silver / gray scrollbar on the bottom.

Is there a mismatch in the Office 2010 Blue theme for the xamSchedule compared to other controls? Most of the other controls seem to match the blue-ish look like the one in the combo editor. Is it possible to get the xamSchedule to look that way? Are the themes not matching or am I doing something wrong?

Regards, Stefan

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