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Drag and Drop Operation of Node in [Large Data] causes the XamOrgChart to behave like being freezed ( for few seconds) .


I have a XamOrgChart which displays the Employee Information. There are more than 100 Employee nodes as well. 

During Drag and Drop, when I drag the Employee Node and then Drop into the another Employee Node, the XamOrgChart seems to freeze/delay for few seconds and after that, the operation is completed and everything is displayed properly. It happens during the drop operation. 

I had also checked the Sample Example (Reorganize Nodes With Drag and Drop Channels ) in Infragistics. In that example also, there exists some delay when the Employee Node is moved. 

To support my question. I have prepared some snapshots as follows:

When Dragged.

Following State occurs for around few seconds.

I don't want to show as above and also, I want the delay to be removed. 

At present I have used following as well in my XamOrgChart.





Help .. 

Thanks in advance..

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