I'm attempting to launch a SplitPane in the floating state with a default Height and Width. I've found that setting the Height and Width on the SplitPane causes problems. If I resize the floating pane, the inner content does not resize (stuck at the provided Height and Width). I've traversed the visual tree and discovered a ToolWindowHostWindow that contains the SplitPane. Setting the Height/Width on this does nothing, but settings Min Height/Width does work correctly.
Is there a way I can launch a floating SplitPane, manually set the Height and Width, and still get the content to resize as I shrink/expand the window? This is how the WPF Window class works, I want my floating panes to behave the same way.
The xamDockManager defines an attached property named FloatingSize which one can use (on the root/floating SplitPane) to set the size of the floating window.
Thanks for the quick response. Unfortunately, the FloatingSize attached property is not working in the context I need it to.
Here's my current setup:
It appear this attached property must be set before the SplitPane is loaded in the VisualTree? Any other advice for achieve a dynamic Height/Width on a floating SplitPane after it is loaded?