I want to hide all functions except the functions in Math category, because in my program they make no sense (just dealing with double values). They also shouldn't appear in the intellisense part.
Also I want to hide the Controls category in the Operands part, my program only has named references.
How can I achieve this?
Hello Michael,
Thank you for posting!
In order to modify the displayed values in OperandTree and FunctionTree of FormulaEditorDialog the FormulaEditorDialogDisplaying event could be handled and a filter for their elements can be applied like this: private void formulaEditor_FormulaEditorDialogDisplaying(object sender, Infragistics.Controls.Interactions.FormulaEditorDialogDisplayingEventArgs e) { Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(() => { XamDataTree xdt = Utilities.GetDescendantFromName(e.Dialog as DependencyObject, "OperandTree") as XamDataTree; (xdt.ItemsSource as FilteredCollection<OperandInfo>).ApplyFilter(t => t.Name != "Controls"); XamDataTree fxdt = Utilities.GetDescendantFromName(e.Dialog as DependencyObject, "FunctionTree") as XamDataTree; (fxdt.ItemsSource as FilteredCollection<FunctionCategory>).ApplyFilter(t => t.Name == "Math"); }), System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherPriority.Background, null); } Please feel free to let me know if you have any other questions on this matter.
Thank you for your help Maria.
This solves a part of the problem, but there are two caveats:
1. It only works with english culture. Is there a possibility to get e.g. the text "Math" in the current culture? Maybe something like FormulaEditorDialog.Properties.Resources.Math?
2. The intellisense (or auto complete) function in the text box still shows these functions.