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Is there a way to override what is displayed in textbox of the XamComboEditor when multiselection is enabled and selections are made

I have to use some sort of dropdown/popup solution due to screen realestate of a tablet. One of the dropdowns needs to allow multiselection but by default all the selected values populate the textbox with a separator. Is there a way to override what the combobox displays so that it always displays a static string but only in multiselection mode?

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  • 34850
    Offline posted

    Hello Mike,

    Are you using the XamComboEditor that is WPF only or are you using the one that is Shared? The WPF only one has a Text property which you can use.

    The Shared only one will require you to obtain the SpecializedTextBox and change the Text property based on how many items are selected. To obtain the Specialized textbox, use the following code: SpecializedTextBox STB = Utilities.GetDescendantFromName((DependencyObject)XamComboEditor1, "TextBoxPresenter") as SpecializedTextBox;

    Also, here is a link to another forum post that had a similar issue to yours resolved:

    Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns on this matter.

    Developer Support I
    Infragistics Inc.

