Is there a way to bring a NetworkNodeNode to front of all nodes. There are cases where we have overlapping nodes even in case of auto arrangement. This overlapping cannot be eliminated because of the numerous connections they hold. So we are trying to bring a particular NetworkNodeNode on to the top by click of it, but not able to do so.
For example in this above snapshot, I am not to view the node named "NL" completely even by clicking it as it is not brought to front.
I tried several options like getting the Control element of it and calling Focus(), BringIntoView() etc. But didn't workout.
Can you please provide a solution on how to achieve this.
Also attached the snapshot.
Thanks & Regards,
I have been looking into your question and you can manipulate the position of a particular node using its ‘Location’ property. I am attaching a sample application(NetworkNodeLocationProperty.zip) that shows this functionality.
Let me know, if you need any further assistance on this matter.
Thank you for the information.
I have done manipulations on location as well for arranging the nodes into some custom pattern like in a row, zig-zag pattern etc.
But I want to bring the node to front from the same location. Because when click on a node to view it, changing its position doesn't look user friendly. End users may think of application behaving abnormal.
Is there any other possibility to bring the node front from same location like if z-order or something available for nodes ? Or BringToFront() or anyother methods available ?