I have around 200 - 400 dimensions and measures. I am looking for a way to search them without scrolling them in XamPivotDataSelector. I am thinking of providing a Autocomplete box or similar stuff in which the user can type in the measures or dimensions name and on selecting the desired one, the dimensions/measures be selected subsequently in the XamPivotDataSelector. I am also looking for events that can be fired on user selecting a dimension/measure in XamPivotDataSelector ?
Also can we select multiple dimensions or measures from XamPivotDataSelector to be dragged onto xamPivotGrid ?
Hello Rajib and thank you for your post!
When the grid and the selector are loaded all the dimensions and measures from the data source are also displayed in the selector. To modify this behavior and choose what to be displayed you can exclude/include items from the metadata tree of the selector. Here is a documentation page with additional details on the matter: http://help.infragistics.com/Help/Doc/WPF/2015.1/CLR4.0/html/xamPivotGrid_DataSelector_Including_Excluding_Items_from_the_MetaDataTree.html.You may also have a look at the Samples Browser XamPivotGrid->Editing & Selection -> Dynamic Metadata Tree which illustrates the behavior. The following events are fired when the changes in the data source are applied:pivotGrid.DataSource.Columns.CollectionChangedpivotGrid.DataSource.Rows.CollectionChangedpivotGrid.DataSource.Filters.CollectionChanged
Hi Maria,
Thanks for reply, but I am not looking for inclusion or exclusion rather looking a way to search for a dimension/measures from the Data Selector. I have more than 200-300 dimensions/measures and I need a way to search them and as soon as it finds the exact or near match it should take me to dimensions/measures. Hope I make myself clear.
Something in the line of AutoCompleteTextbox.