What is the easiest way to make the Window of the zoombar transparent, and the non-viewed area a bit opaque?
Similar to this request: http://ko.infragistics.com/community/forums/t/84969.aspx
but, additionally would like the other area to be opaque.
Hi Adegoke,
Hopefully I understood correctly what you were looking for. I put together a sample which alters the default template for the XamZoombar in order to make the window / thumb area transparent while the area around it is opaque.
Hi Rob,
Thanks, this is very close to what I was looking for. I wanted the area around it to be slightly opaque (e.g. Opacity=0.5) , not completely opaque. What brush(es) or control(s) do I need to change to make it this way?
Also, can you please explain how you achieved this?
Thank you,
I'll explain how I did this for other people who might be interested.
I took the default style for the XamZoombar and modified its template. In the template I added two rectangles that haven been positioned along both sides of the zoombar thumb. The actual positioning is controlled by a converter since as the thumb is moved around and resized the rectangles will need to adjust along with it.
Rob, never mind, I figured it out. Thank you.