• How to set background color and generate id for newly added row in webdatagrid using javascript.


    1.How to generate the id for newly added row below the fixed(static data table rows which have id column with values 1,2,3,4)using java-script in webdatagrid.

    we are using  unbound columns to webdatagrid.

    2.How to set background color for newly added…

  • Re: Change cell background color WebDataGrid

    Hi jubatistim,

    Thank you for posting in the community.

    You can find more information on the topic of styling individual WebDataGrid cells can be found at:


    A detailed guide for styling WebDataGrid…

  • ChangedCells Property in WebDataGrid


    I am updating infragistics grid from ultrawebgrid to webdatagrid. While submitting values from client-side,(Existing code) we used ChangedCell property of ultrawebgrid, I want same functionality in webdatagrid of 'ChangedCells' property.

  • WebDataGrid sorting strings as DateTime values

    In my WebDataGrid v12.2, i bind it to a datatable with columns of type String.  In the Columnsorted event I implement a custom sort on the underlying datatable so i can sort on a column of type String but the values in each row represent DateTimes.  the…

  • WebDataGrid Question

    In our new project , we will use the Infragistics 2010.3. I need some help for the WebDataGrid control. I want some sample project for the following functions. AnyBody can help me? Thank you.

    1. Use the DataTable to bind the WebDataGrid, (Sql Server 2008…

  • How can I create a new tab across different .aspx file?

    The situation as follow:

    1. I created a UltraWebTab Control in Main.aspx and add 1 tab(Tab1) in the control
    2. Content pane in Tab1 I  use "tabItem1.ContentPane.TargetUrl= "./TransferFilter.aspx"
    3. A WebDataGrid control in TransferFilter.as…

  • WebDataGrid in a Sharepoint Webpart ?!


    I want to develope a sharepoint webpart that lists the elements of a sharepoint list in a WebDataGrid. I encountred many problems. Some of theme are relative to ScriptManager.

    The actual status is that I could show the webpart with WebDataGrid…

  • WebDataGrid ScriptManager Error!

    I am having a problem trying to add a WebDataGrid version 2010 to a page.

    1. Createad an AjaxEnabledWebsite in VS2005

    2. Added a script manager in a page and below it placed the webdatagrid

    3. Added datasource for the grid.

    when i run the project…

  • KeyDown KeyUp event not capture Enter or Tab Keys


    I handled the keydown and keyup event from webdatagrid. This events capture all the keys but not capture enter or key tab. What can do it??

    <ClientEvents Initialize="wdgDocumentos_Initialize" KeyDown="wdgDocumentos_KeyUp"

  • DataSource not bound in WebDataGrid after filtering.


    i have two dataSet, if i am binding dataset1 with webdatagrid then first column filtered by some condition it's working but if iam try to bind the dataset2 with the same webdatagrid it's throwing error. it says "first dataset's filtered column…