• WebDataGrid inside WebDialogWindow


    have an issue with a webdatagrid inside a WebDialogWindow, the column headers are not displayed. The WebDialogWindow is hidden when I load my page and when I change the visibility with "WebDialogStay.WindowState = Infragistics.Web.UI.LayoutControls…

  • Localization of filters in WebDataGrid


    we use Infragistics ASP.NET version 11.1 and the WebDataGrid with filtering enabled. Despite setting UICulture to "de-DE" the filters are in english. I googled around and found no solution. Also the document "WebDataGrid Localization" could not…

  • Transfer Webdatagrid Cell from webdatagrid1 to webdatagrid2 from code behind

    hello ,

     i need to take the values from webdatagrid and inject to another webdatagrid from code code behind , i already took the values from the grid and i need to save in another grid ,

    how i can do that ?

    here's a picture demo that what i want to do…

  • Re: Where are the conversations?

    Thanks Nikolay...  I couldn't find what I needed, so I submitted a support request.


    I still haven't heard back from support.  If you happen to know the answer, I would sure appreciate it.  Here is my issue:


    When exporting a WebDataGrid to PDF…

  • Re: Error exporting WebDataGrid (Parameter name: value. Actual Value was 0.)


    Thanks for advising me to install the new service pack. The new service pack did help a bit, but unfortunately the issue is still not resolved. After updating I get the following error message:


    Error Message: The font height must be between 20…

  • Performance webdatagrid in parent/child relation

    Dear all,

    version: 11.1.20111.2135

    I've build a very simple website with in the upper part a webdatagrid and on the lower part two webtexteditors.

    On every row change in the webDataGrid, i want to refetch data from the database and then show…

  • Re: Code blocks are not supported in this context (moving from UltraWebGrid)


    Thank you for posting on our forums. I will be happy to assist you with your questions.

    May I ask if you can provide me with the version of Infragistics assemblies you are referencing in your application? I have attached a sample here that demonstrates…

  • Re: Filtering and IE11

    Hello Steve Davis,

    Thank you for your update.

    Please note, Infragistics's WebDataGrid fully supports IE11 straight out of the box since the release of Infragistics for ASP.NET 13.1. To learn more about the supported browsers, please review the supported…

  • UltraGrid to WebDataGrid

    We're using the UltraWebGrid (from NET Advantage 2003 onwards) for the last seven years. The only caveat is the UltraWebGrid isn't working well with other browsers (such as Safari, Chrome and Firefox). So, we've decided to implement the new infragistics…

  • WebDropDown over WebDataGrid

    Hi guys,
    I'm trying to figure out  how to implement the following using webdatagrid and webdropdown:

    I have a table t1 with some columns and a  column C1 referencing  a table t2 using an integer id
    The table t2 has the integer id column (C2) and  description…