I've got a problem. One of the datagrids a website which I am developing, doesn't show any rows >ever< when viewed under the new Google Chrome browser that was released earlier today.
Has anyone else noticed any inconsistences with the Infragistics controls and Google Chrome?
I've published two screenshots on my review of Google Chrome here: http://blog.evolvedsoftwarestudios.com/2008/09/02/web-browser-wars-room-for-one-more-google-launch-google-chrome/ (scroll right down to the last two images in the article).
Any idea about the 9.1 release? I tried looking around the site, but it does not appear that there is any offical published timeframe. I would assume that because of that you will not be able to provide a date, but can you give an indication? Is the estimate on the timeframe for the end of Feb? March?
Thanks for the links. Definitely sounds like I am in a holding pattern for the 9.1 release. Not a major deal, as most clients are still on IE or FireFox. Hopefully that does not change for me in the near future. Thanks for the all the information.
Ohh ok, take a look at this forum post, where I answered this quesiton.
As for features that will be going in our current controls (they are not old yet :)), we are going to assess those on a feature by feature basis, and there are not plans to end support for them. For future, yes, all new controls are definitely going to be developed on top of Aikido, some of the current controls will be rewritten to take advantage of the framework and other controls be ported over to Aikido.
Keep an eye on the Aikido page and What' new to get an idea of what you will be seeing in future.
Thanks for the response. By conversation to Aikido, I meant for me to convert away from the WebGrid to the Aikido control equivalent (I am assuming that this control is the WebDataGrid). Specificly, the architecture of the Aikido control comparatively to the WebGrid. As well, all the supporting functionality of the CSOM, object events, etc.
Also I am assuming that Aikido is the future of Infragistics, is this a correct assumption? Do you forsee the older controls (WebGrid, WebCombo, WebDateChooser, etc) not improved / expanded / supported in the future?
Thanks for the info Chad!
Yes, WebGrid and UltraWebGrid is the same control, sorry for the confusion. We don't have any plans to convert it over to Aikido.