I don't see any exposed property to do this and the suble blue tht is out of the box is too subltle I tried applying a style to the rowselector clicked event
((Row)e.Row).CellStyle = this.Resources["IGRowSelectStyle"] as Style;
but it applies the style to the row after I leave it and it remains.
That's b/c the default ControlTemplate for a Cell, contains the Selected Cell's style, via a VisualState.
You can modify the CellControl's ControlTemplate to modify the Selected, Active, and MouseOver styling of a cell.
If you have Blend, the following help article explains how you can modify the CellStyle:
Hope this helps,
Don't have blend a snippet would be quite helpful
So, if you don't have blend, then you can simply go to your install directory, and access the "Default Styles" folder. I believe you can also access this folder from the StartMenu under the product.
In there you'll find a "XamWebGrid.xaml" file which has all of the default control styles for everything in the xamWebGrid.
You can grab the control you're looking for and paste it into your app.xaml.