Hi there ~ wonder if anyone has run into this. I'm using the webscheduleinfo control to bind the data to my custom pages. For these pages, I don't need any of the view controls (ex. monthly, weekly, daily). All of the appointments/events are pulling correctly except for variances and recurring events. Only the first appointment in a series of recurring is pulling. What do I have to do in order to pull these? It's probably something obvious I'm missing I hope :)
hi, I have a similar problem right now and unless there is a webdayview,weekview or monthview that is tied to the webscheduleinfo, it will not pull out any of the activities. As a workaorund I just dropped a webdayview control, set its visible property to false and connect it to the webscheduleinfo. Not a pretty workaround but unless someone can shed light on this issue, it would be of great help.
I am able to pull regular appointments, just not recurring. I'm looping through the appointment count, but I realize that's where my issue is, the recurring is not in the count.....Is there a collection that contains both regular and recurring that I can loop through? I haven't found one as of yet.
Does adding a view control give you collection to output all appointments that meet conditions? I'm such a newb at this and only have 4 days left to complete coding!
This is for a report with date selections and a custom field selection.
Dim index As Integer
Dim current As Activity = Me.WebScheduleInfo.Activities(index)
If current.StartDateTimeUtc.ToShortDateString >= startdate.ToShortDateString And current.StartDateTimeUtc.ToShortDateString <= enddate.ToShortDateString Then
lbldata.Text += "<tr><td>" & current.StartDateTime.ToShortDateString & " " & current.StartDateTime.ToShortTimeString & " -- " & current.GetValue("Subject", Appointment.KeyId) & " (" & current.GetValue("Location", Appointment.KeyId) & ")</td><td align='right'></td></tr>"
End If
Next index
could you try getappointmentsfordate method. example:
4 days of coding? Considering the steep learning curve of the Infragistics controls, you have pretty challenging days ahead of you. Good Luck!
Thank you! That did the trick!
Hi tgaudette,
I am also having same problem. I cannot see recurring appointments in WebDayView
Can you please post your sample.
Thank You.
It's just like the code above ~ you need to use the AppointmentSubsetCollection to get the recurring appts:
Dim appts As AppointmentsSubsetCollection =
WebScheduleInfo.GetAppointmentsForDate(WebScheduleInfo.ActiveResource, currentDate)
Not IsNothing(appts) Then
For Each current As Appointment In appts
Dim fcActivity1 As New myActivity
Blah, blah
Do this
End While