Hi tech guru's,
I am using the infragistics 8.1, which is a recent version. I am implementing the webschedular for my project.
In my case, I have a database structure which is quite different from what is provided for the webschedular as example, I have a different set of field names. So, I started with building my custom webschedulesqlclientprovider for my custom stored procedures. But the functionality of my webschedular is similar to what is provided or meant for.
I am trying to understand, what are the objects am I supposed to customize, Should I customize only the webschedulesqlclientprovider or should I customize the
If I have to customize the webschedulesqlclientprovider only, where can I define which stored procedure it is supposed to use.What is the step by step process?
Please let me know if there are any sample code that is provided.Note: I tried the article "Creating a custom data provider" in the infragistics help.
I created a project as defined in the above article, but could not figure out how to move forward from there.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Is there something the WebScheduleSqlClientProvider control isn't doing for you, that you want to customize it?
If your database is MS SQL Server, then you should be able to use the WebScheduleSqlClientProvider control and you would adapt its stored procedures to fit your own custom data model. The stored procedures expose the interface (or contract) that the WebScheduleSqlClientProvider consumes, so as long as your custom stored procedures follow the operations and data exchanged by this interface, they can get their data from any data model.
You can find a data dictionary describing each of the tables, columns and relationships of the standard WebSchedule data model in this documentation topic under "WebSchedule" | "Data Model":
You can find descriptions of each of the stored procedures, including (vitally) the parameter names, data types, and order parameters for those stored procedures in this documentation topic under "WebSchedule" | "Stored Procedures":
This last topic also explains that you can find the installation script, which contains all of the DDL and DML for the standard WebSchedule data model schema and behaviors in the "WebSchedule2.sql" file at one of two locations, depending on whether you installed to WinXP or Vista.
In the "WebSchedule2.sql" script you have all of the Transact-SQL that goes up against the standard WebSchedule data model, adapting it to your custom data model is a matter of modifying these stored procedures to fit your custom data model's field names. Sometimes the adaptations aren't always going to be trivial, for example if you have alphanumeric primary keys then you would need to map these to integer keys for WebSchedule's purposes. The more like the standard Web Schedule Data Model your custom data model is, the easier this adaptation is going to be.
I am also having difficulty figuring out how to customize the stored procedure names used by the WebScheduleSqlClientProvider. Maybe by posting what we have so far, we can cooperatively figure this out. I basically just started the new class to inherit off of the WebScheduleSQLClientProvider and checked the intellisense that shows up when you type Public Overrides or Protected Overrides.
Description: I have the following code where I attempt to override the field names returned from the stored procedure in the DB. I used the DDL scripts provided with the SQL sample and then modified the names of the stored procedures and the table field names to match with our database naming scheme policy. It looks like changing the returned field names would be easy by implementing something like that below. I can't find any exposed properties that would allow me to change the stored procedure names though. Can you point me in the correct direction or provide a sample code snippet showing how to change one? As an example, I've changed the activity fetch procedure from dbo.Activity_Sel to dbo.spCalendarActivity_SelEXAMPLE CODEImports Microsoft.VisualBasicImports Infragistics.WebUI.DataPublic Class LSIWebScheduleSQLProvider Inherits WebScheduleSqlClientProvider Protected Overrides Function InitializeAppointmentBindings(ByVal defaultBinding As Infragistics.WebUI.Data.AppointmentBinding) As Infragistics.WebUI.Data.AppointmentBinding With defaultBinding .SubjectMember = "vchSubject" .StatusMember = "bitStatus" .DurationMember = "intDuration" End With Return MyBase.InitializeAppointmentBindings(defaultBinding) End FunctionEnd Class
See this help topic. DataBindings only pertain to dynamic SQL (that is where the data provider writes SQL statements on-the-fly). DataBindings cannot work on stored procedures because they are compiled by your DBMS, granted permissions by your DBA, etc.
What you can do is modify the field names in the stored procedures, the SQL for which are included and usually it's just a matter of some global search and replacements.
I wouldn't suggest modifying the stored procedure's parameter names, if they don't match the contract expected by the data provider then I think the SqlCommand will throw an exception. They are not exposed anywhere (at least, anywhere that would be easy to change).
tbird said: This is unacceptable and we will migrate to a better tool that provides simple dynamic databinding for the elements we choose to use.
This is unacceptable and we will migrate to a better tool that provides simple dynamic databinding for the elements we choose to use.
Could you name this tool?
Thank you a lot for help.
Andriy Zhornyk
I must say this is a pathetic model. We have a complex sql database and utilize the windows dayview and bind to our data model easily. Now, as we look at the web your tool requres we either re-tool our model to fit yours or attempt to create a lot of code behind to mimic your anticipated data model. This is unacceptable and we will migrate to a better tool that provides simple dynamic databinding for the elements we choose to use. Please let us know if you decide to change this model in the future as it may allow us to use your tools for our web side development.
Ok, we can´t modify the parameters in the Stored Procedures, so, if we need to use a more complex query with more parameters we need to use a SQLDataSource with UseStoredProcedures = False, but than returns an error "isnull function requires at least 2 arguments". Do you have any idea or samples on using "UseStoredProcedures = False"?
Hi I got it connected to the database. I used the following code to connect it.
private void InitializeComponent() { this.WebScheduleSqlClientProvider1 = new Infragistics.WebUI.Data.WebScheduleSqlClientProvider(); WebScheduleSqlClientProvider1.DataSourceID = "SqlDataSource1"; SqlDataSource1.ProviderName = "System.Data.SqlClient"; SqlDataSource1.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Connection1"] + Session["databasename1"].ToString(); }
I am getting error when trying to set the sqldatasource connectionstring property at run-time. I use different databases and need to assign the connection accordingly. I am using ASP.NET 2.0, SQL Server 2005 and Infragistics v 8.1 and have the following code working.
<igsch:WebScheduleInfo ID="WebScheduleInfo1" EnableSmartCallbacks="true" runat="server" EnableRecurringActivities="True" OnActiveDayChanging="WebScheduleInfo1_ActiveDayChanging"> <ClientEvents ActivityUpdating="WebScheduleInfo1_ActivityUpdating" ActivityAdding="WebScheduleInfo1_ActivityAdding" /> </igsch:WebScheduleInfo> <ig_scheduledata:WebScheduleSqlClientProvider ID="WebScheduleSqlClientProvider1" runat="server" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource1" WebScheduleInfoID="WebScheduleInfo1"> </ig_scheduledata:WebScheduleSqlClientProvider> <asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:EMO_ConnectionString %>" SelectCommandType="StoredProcedure" SelectCommand="Activity_Sel"> <SelectParameters> <asp:SessionParameter Name="ResourceName" SessionField="ResourceName" Type="String" /> </SelectParameters> </asp:SqlDataSource>
but when I assign it in run-time in Page_Load(),
SqlDataSource1.ProviderName = "System.Data.SqlClient"; SqlDataSource1.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Connection1"] + Session["databasename1"].ToString();
it shows the following error and I don't have a database named WebSchedule1.
Cannot open database requested in login 'WebSchedule1'. Login fails.Login failed for user 'sa'.
Can anybody help me...