I am having difficulties assigning values to the UltraCalculatorDropDown.
Firstly, set your region to one that has comma as the decimal separator.
Then set calculator.Value = 123M
This sets the value in the calculator text box, and when you click the down arrow you see the same value in the calculator.
Now set calculator.Value = 234.00M (note the zeros)
This correctly sets the value in the calculator text box, but when you click the down arrow, it has reset to 0.
The only way I can get this to parse the value correctly is setting AutoDetectDecimalSymbol = false and DecimalSymbol = ".". However, this then means the calculator displays in the wrong format for the locale.
Am I missing something, or is this a bug?
Hello Campbell,
Thank you for your post. Off the calculator there is a property called 'CalculatorDropDownStyle' ,set it to 'KeepCurrentValue' should avoid the the issue where it turned the value back to 0. Like this:
this.ultraCalculatorDropDown1.CalculatorDropDownStyle = Infragistics.Win.UltraWinEditors.UltraWinCalc.CalculatorDropDownStyle.KeepCurrentValue;
Let me know if this help with your scenario.
Hi Divya,
Thanks for replying. Sorry, I should have said, I already have KeepCurrentValue set. The issue appears to be that the control doesn't properly support comma decimal separators.
Can you reproduce?
Here is my sample can you modify it with your setting and help me reproduce the issue.
If am able to reproduce it with the latest version then i would log it because it sounds like a bug to me.
I have updated your sample, which demonstrates the issue.
Did this help?
I am sorry , not sure what happen to my last post , i did replay on the next day itself ,that i am not able to reproduce the issue . i am using version 23.2, may i know which version of control you are using?
As you mentioned:
1.i set the value through the code ultraCalculatorDropDown1.Value = 234.00M; and run the sample.
2. value is been set in the editor , now i open the calendar dropdown
3. value is still there in the calendar editor as well.
infect if i modify the value in the calendar and close it and reopen it ,same value does exist in the editor.
So may be difference is in the version we are using or in the steps how i am testing .
If you are using the same version then provide the clear steps to test it .