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Error after upgrading to v11.1

I'm receiving an error in one of my windows forms in the designer file after i upgraded to v11.1.  I'm using VS2010 and CSharp  I've checked all references and they are correct. I reviewed the License.licx file also and it looks correct.

Warning 1 The tool being added is not allowed in this tools collection. C:\DIAM International\CSharp Projects\IFSPOPDisplays\IFSPOPDisplays\frmInventoryMoves.designer.cs 1301 0 

I have underlined and Bold the line giving the above error.

Excerpt Code:

            this.ultraToolbarsManager1.Ribbon.QuickAccessToolbar.NonInheritedTools.AddRange(new Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.ToolBase[] {

  • 44743
    Suggested Answer

    Do you have SharedProps.AllowMultipleInstances set to True for the tool? This is required for it to be in the QuickAccessToolbar. Also, does the tool have a Control assigned to it? If the Control is null, I believe the tool cannot be added to the QuickAccessToolbar.

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